SXM Positive Vibes: Uplifting Messages From Locals, Focus on Rebuilding – #RebuildSXM (Video/Photos)
Things have been so very difficult for everyone who was in the path of Hurricane Irma but it’s time to start looking towards the future. That future involves rebuilding St. Martin/St. Maarten, restoring order, distributing food and supplies, getting power back up, cleaning up, and recovering as best we can.
I wanted to share a few videos and social media posts that I found to be uplifting examples of the beauty of the human spirit, of the people of this island. If you haven’t given to help rebuild, please do now!
Here’s an encouraging message posted on Facebook by Castel Abraham:
More people helping by giving out food and supplies:
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations sets up long-term project team for #StMaarten:
— Netherlands Embassy (@NLintheUSA) September 10, 2017
Hulpverleners inmiddels aangekomen op #SintMaarten. Voedsel en water uitdelen is eerste prioriteit, de nood is hoog.
— Rode Kruis (@RodeKruis) September 10, 2017
Zr.Ms. Pelikaan is weer terug op Curacao. Snel weer beladen, @C_ZMCARIB staat ook in het ‘lijntje’. Kan @m_vd_eerden weer snel naar #SXM
— Korps Mariniers (@korpsmariniers) September 9, 2017