Win a Free SXM Strong T-Shirt and Help Spread the #SXMStrong Message

What a long, strange trip it’s been.

That’s one way to describe what we’ve all been a part of ever since Irma ravaged our beloved Saint Martin. It’s been rough, depressing, sad, heartbreaking, unbelievable, encouraging, uplifting and so many other emotions that all seem to work against each other. And yet, here we all are.

As much damage as Saint Martin has sustained, the most important part is that the community we’ve built together, that supports this island, continues to grow each and every day. It’s been an honor to be able to play a small role in helping Saint Martin rebuild.

You may have seen our SXM Strong t-shirts on our Donate page. I designed the shirts as a simple way to bring attention to the rebuild effort following Hurricane Irma. Little did I know that we’d sell over 200 of the shirts and raise more than $3,500. Wow!!

As a thank you to everyone, I thought I’d hold a t-shirt giveaway once a week through the remainder of 2017. The contest starts this week. The first drawing will be held and announced on Sunday. Of course, if you want to buy a shirt or make donation, you can still do that here.

To register to win a shirt, just submit your email address below. You’ll also be able to get our weekly Saint Martin newsletter. So it’s a win-win!!

Thanks for all your support and together we are SXM STRONG!!!

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Jon Ferlise

I fell in love with the island of Saint Martin the first time I visited to celebrate my 40th birthday in May of 2009. Since then, I've spent most birthdays there, and have visited countless other times getting to know this wonderful place and the friendly locals that make it so special. I adore the culture, the people, the community, and the beauty of this stunning island. SXM Strong is a website that I started to support humanitarian relief efforts following Hurricane Irma. There was no plan, it just evolved as I witnessed the devastation that Irma caused the island and the huge need to communicate and disseminate information about what had happened and how people could help support this island and its people.

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